Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life is but a dream..

Well, I do feel as if I'm dreaming! I am having the most wonderful time running, walking errands, playing golf, swimming, and riding bicycle with friends. And now I have been dating someone. I love her! She is truly magical! And she runs and swims too. She's active and eats healthy - me too!

So, what a magical time for me. I am so grateful! I thank the universe and I thank Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette for helping me from the other side. I know they help me! I am so grateful.

I'm sleepy and can't keep my eyes open so I guess I'll go to bed, but I'm wound up. Okay here I go - to sleep.

I ran for an hour and 20 minutes this morning. Then went to the artist guild to draw for three hours then went and played 9 holes of golf and walked as I pulled my golf clubs behind me. I'm pooped now!

Tomorrow I'll probably run in the morning, then swim and work out. My girlfriend is coming over in the evening to eat and watch a movie. Hey, right! No, that is what we plan on doing.

Good night! Thanks for everything and her and my friends and me; please keep them all healthy, weathly and wise and loved! Me too! And safe and all of our possessions safe too and service free and maintenance free.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

she is magical

She is truly magical! I am in love! She is very sweet in fact we didn't get much sleep last night. I can't wait to see her again! She is magical! I am truly blessed! I thank the universe! Please protect all my loved from harm and accident. Please keep us all well, loved and happy!

Please, while I am praying, know that I am most grateful!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

connect the dots

L and I got together for a purpose I believe. She took me to speak with Ezekiel, the spirit, and through the years I have talked with him. After a fifteen year relationship I split L and I up. I was at a turning point in my life. Instead of being sick like so many do when they need a life change, I fell in love with a doctor. L's doctor. I thought nothing but of her for two years as I dated younger women. Back then, I had retired and hide it from my family for a year. They are life and blood suckers. I ditched them over three years ago and do not miss them. I repeat: I do not miss them one ioda.

I then moved to another state, around the corner from L. We are still the best of friends. We are family. We trust one another. I have had several relationships with younger women partly because I felt I missed out on my thirties. Back then I felt I had no lesbian option. I felt I was the only lesbian in the world. subsequently life was very painful then. L was my first at forty.

So after fifteen years and the split up, I sowed some wild oats. I believe my purpose was to hook up with a woman my age, named M. My age but unavailable because she was married. I believe my purpose was to get her to Ezekiel for Edy, her friend passed. M's purpose was to help reconnect E with G (both deceased). I have it on tape.

How it came about. Well, when I was with M she spoke of E and how she missed her and how I reminded her of E. I found myself saying "I think E watches over you." and then another time "I think E would like to speak to you". So I made the appointment with Ezekiel for her

Sounds farfetched? I can only imagine! I have M's meeting with Ezekiel on tape. I have the tape of the session. It happened. E and G were reconnected via Ezekiel with the help of M. E and G had been life partners for thirty years while they were alive. My mission was to get them all together so it could happen.

My reward? M's ex. I actually met her out with friends several months before M and I got together. But, we both, I felt, weren't ready. We are happy. She is very loving. M knows and says. "Funny how things work out."

Her ex and I are very happy

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How can anyone kill an animal?

I watched the 1968 film on U Tube about two guys who bought a tightly caged little lion cub because they felt sorry for him. Well, they could keep him for a year and run him in a friend's yard where they could wrestle and rump.

He got big so the two guys took him to S. Africa where he could live a normal life. They left him there. But in little more than a year they missed him and went back to S. Africa to visit him. Everyone told them he would not remember them, he's wild now. They went anyway.

Someone reported to them before hand that he was head of a pride now and had a wife. Well, love knows no end apparently. They guys stood nearby and soon he recognized them and slowly walked up to them. When he got closer he ran to them, one than the other, jumping up on hind legs and front legs on shoulders and giving them loving hugs. It was heart wrenching. Of course the recording of "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston didn't help stop tears either.

It was wonderful. After the hugs, the lion king introduced his wife to them. She was a tame as could be too. How they must communicate. Love knows no gender or species boundaries apparently. Love is trans generational, trans-life-times, and trans-species.

I believe that was spirits we come in earth not only in human form but in animal form from life time to life time. We come as we choose to come back for whatever purposes we come here.

Living beings should not kill other living beings.

Haven't we learned that yet? Will we ever? Why are some human beings so brutal and cruel. Why can't we all love one another.

What kind of brutal poor excuses of human beings are we to kill one another over greed - over oil!

Six Legged Fawn

I came came across a U-Tube clip about a six legged fawn who limped himself into the yard of a veterinarian's' yard. He walked between the male vet in scrubs and the woman in all white. Then he made his choice finally passing up the man he sensed the maternal intense of the woman, I guess, and walked right up to her as she spoke sweetly to him. She picked him up and held him. Bingo! He knew then he would get help. He was a tame as could be. He wanted to be helped so he went to the vet's.

The poor little guy knew he needed help and apparently his little spirit guides headed in the right direction. He knew these people could help him.

As it is the doctor was consulting with nearby universities and it was believed that the two extra hind legs could be removed so the deer could grow up and live a normal life in the wild.

Thank the universe for people with warm hearts because we know now that we are all connected somehow. That little deer knew, sensed, where to go for the help he needed.

Spirituality doesn't get any clearer than that!

The little deer knew he could find help with those people so he went to the vet's on his own! How spiritual is that? He came to him and asked them for help and they are doing all they can to see that he gets help!

Very touching!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

She's not spiritual..but

she says she is not spiritual but later admitted praying and being grateful that her program ran.

Suddenly I believe I'm facinated how easy she is to be with. I'm amazed about how people point out my positive points. Okay, I have pretty skin. It makes me very appreciative for my many blessings and gifts.

Do we indeed plan our lives, our health, our bodies? Subconsciously we do, I believe. Our thoughts are very powerful and rather we realize it or now - directly effect our outlook and health. Life is what we expect it to be. So be careful.

If you expect to be sick at a certain age and time - well then.. there you are.

I wish to thank the universe for my wonderful sexual experience this evening. It was rather unexpected I must say. She's very loving! Very giving! I could see the possible past clash between personalities.

Thanks for my many blessings. It's time to go back to sleep. I want to ride my bicycle to the park and meet the other runners in the morning.. only a few hours away. Guess I better set my alarm for six-thirty. Leave at 7 there by 7:30.. run around the park 7:30 to 8:30. That'll work! I want to make the ride worth while. Hope I get that damn key out of the locker. It's always a pain. And don't forget my glasses and running shoes and change of clothing.

Good night Hey. Take care of the good doctor for me. I was just thinking about her. I'm sure we were lovers in a past life. What a beautiful, wonderful woman.

Thanks for all my blessings of good health, brillance, security, love, youthfulness, agelessness, safety and the safety and healthy maintenance of my home furances, appliances, car and myself.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Magical Kite Flying

Sunday. I woke up down and out my woes over my love..catching up with me. I found a convenient reason to call and visit my neighbor, my ex living with her girlfriend. They both are wonderful people and I am very close to them.

During the visit I brought up my love situation woes. She has a certain way of therapist talk that makes you cry. You know when keep drilling and your pain level rises to the top and you can no longer control your tears which take on a mind of their own. So I poured my guts. "Bingo!" She knew she nailed me.

I felt better and was heading out the door to leave and they followed with me hugs and kisses and good karma. Realizing the day was beautifully picture picture they grabbed their kites and invited me to go kite flying with them.

We walked a few blocks over to the new highway construction site. Surprising enough the workers were off. I see them working normally twenty-four hour days. I was very surprised to see vacant heavy pieces of equipment and vast emptiness amongst the curved out landscape not yet concreted. Looks like they have a long way to go. They have until the end of the year to complete this project then start on the other half towards downtown.

I had never in my life gotten a kite off the ground before yesterday. It was magical and the wind pulled the entire 5,000 feet of straight on my spool.

We were out there for hours with two in the air up high appearing as postage stamps for all to wonder. The tug. The wonderment. The perfect day! Magical!

Being with my friends - magical! I am so grateful for all of my many gifts and blessings. Life is truly magical.

I have love who could ask for anything more. Love, lots of friends, lots of activities to socialize.

I ask the universe to stay with me so no one gets hurt emotionally or otherwise. Maybe we all stay fit, healthy, happy, brilliant, flexible, active and in love! May all our plans come true. We are in control you know?

I feel I chose my body type. I feel my attitude and desires and wishes say alot about my good health and physical active adventures.

Thank you universe, master spirits and my Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette.