Monday, March 24, 2008

I guess I knew that she was going to call

well, I drove to the park but came back home without even getting out of my car there.   I just didn't feel like running.   My legs were cold.   Actually, I think I'm fighting off a cold or my sinuses (god forbid - not that season again - I hate that crap in my throat).   I'm breathing through my mouth - so yes - it's a sinus or allergy day.   If it's like this on April 6th - I'm going to have a terrible time trying to run that half marathon.   So, universe, please help me out will you.

Anyway, at the park, I was thinking about calling my friend, my ex.   Hm.  But I didn't take the time and drove home.  When I got home I thought about just taking a short run around my neighborhood; but soon cancelled out that idea too.   I picked up my stuff out of the car and went inside.   

Once inside, again, I thought about calling my friend, but was going to eat something first.   Well, right then - she called "me".   Is that too weird.

I told her that I was just thinking about calling her.   I had not talked to her since the middle of last week and I was missing her.   I'm very glad we are on the same mental, mystical, spiritual universal plane.

We are all connected you know!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Full Moom

I think I am getting in tune with the universe. I've been listening to the Monday night Oprah's audio regarding Eckhart Tolle "A New Earth" and "The Power of Now".

I need to read them both. I need to be able to sit still long enough to read them both.

But, I am trying to follow the advice in chapter one through three which we have so far covered in "A New Earth" and that is to stay in the moment. Do not judge. Do not fret about the past or worry about the future. It's what I like about going to bed and sleeping to escape the past and future. Sleeping is in the now. Just lie down, close your eyes and drift away.

So, sometimes in the "now" I come to realize and connect the dots. I believe I see change in the air. A nice change. I'm sure I will be fine.

I also have here to read "The New American Spirituality" by Elizabeth Lesser. A seeker's guide.

So, all I need do is find the discipline to finally sit down and just read! Read and not eat!

I ask the universe to help me succeed not only in the 13.1 miles race coming up in two weeks, but also in losing about ten pounds so I don't have to haul a bunch of extra weight around for over two hours as I run this race. Wish me lunch! Please! And a beautiful sunny, clear, crisp, shinning Sunday morning. Please help me to make the race go smooth and easy and relaxing and fun and effortless. Help me to fell strong and breath strong! Thank you so much for all of my many blessings of painless efforts and accomplishments.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm pooped

and do not feel like attending yoga this evening. Must I? I'm dragging ass. I ran 13 miles yesterday and well tried to ride my bicycle some today around the lake. Saw Dave from the running group and we chatted a bit.

I felt fine that. But was getting hungry and tried of fighting the wind. So thought I would get a head start of the traffic and headed back home. I was fine until I ate something.. been pooped since four.

I certainly do not feel like going to yoga. Of course, I never feel like going. It's a pain. Yet, I struggle through every week. I need to lose weight and get some energy. I need to knock off about ten pounds around my gut.

As soon as I eat something my gut blows up. I only had a handful of trail mix and about a cup and half of pasta with mushrooms and vegetables I made the other evening.

And that needs to be it for the evening. I have to stop eating. Other then what I just ate, I had half cook of oatmeal (with one cup of water) and two four ounce cups of coffee.

I'm tired and can't fat. Can't be tired and can't eat. Nice!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I can't believe it!

I just can't believe how Hillary gets put down and every one on Tim Russert's two shows hold up for Obama. He let's her go first on the tough questions and Dee Dee Meyer says Obama is being a gentlemen. He's stupid! He doesn't know the answer - but no one wants to see it!

Obama waits for her to answer - so as to provide him (Obama) with an answers!

Thanking the Universe

I thank the universe for all of my many blessings of youthfulness, good health, energy and gratefulness.