Friday, November 28, 2008

the day is magical...after all

Man, was I every worried! I thought I blew it! But she's coming to see me tomorrow! I really miss her! I have a BIG MOUTH and said the wrong things and I was selfish.. and felt terrible afterwards - so I have learned my lesson!

I do accept new friends and family and I will keep my snipiness in check..that's easy..really I'm off that god awful energy didn't help matters.

I must learn to give and love ....remember what I put I there I get right back.. like a mirror.. and it's immediate..too.. I might a knee jerk reflex kind of thing!

You would think that I am old enough to know better... but guess I'm not!

Well I am now! I had just forgotten I guess.. because it was all deva vue to me while it was happening.

I thank my special spirit guides: Emma, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette! Thanks for all of your help and guidance... and please don't ever leave my side and continue to look over and watch out for me. It seems I need all the help I can get! And please keep me patient, understanding, loving, affectionate, kind, warm and welcoming at all times besides safe, painfree, happy, cute, and monetarily know Christmas is coming up.. please help me with gift selections too. Again, I need all the help I can get! I so want to make the right choices for her and my friends..and gay family

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am so grateful for my loves in my life, my health, my energy, my good cholesterol levels - a fun and exciting new diet that makes me feel - NEW! Rejuvenated!

I am reborn! I am so grateful for my special, master spirit guides: Emma, Ezekiel, Edy, Georgette! The universe is grand, forgiving, protecting, wonderful! Magical! I am so grateful.

Thanks for protecting me at all times and thanks for protecting people and things and objects I love and need. Thanks for maintenance free - like new - things that I have!

Thanks for an ever empowering, bullist, rebounding market - on the rise as we speak! Thanks for positive feelings and brightened hopes - wishes come true!

Thanks for prosperity to all! Thanks for honesty, honor and intregity and greediness come to clarity and change to giving and generousity.

Thanks to the universe - ever powerful and clear and protective..past, present, future - at the same time. Brilliance beyong belief or grast!

Thanks for faith, hope, love, honor, sex, the wonderful of it! The closeness, the heart, the love, the warmth, the sharing, the missing - the wanting - the love! Thanks for a full heart - a heart at home - finally!

Please protect the ones I love and don't love! Please bestow wisdom and talent, energy and creativity on me and others. Thanks for my so many magical days. Thanks for Mary! So beautiful! Thanks for allowing me to do her justice! Framable justice!

Thanks for my no-pain, agile, energetic, magical, feet that fly running speed, a light heart, a happy heart, a positive mind, a happy body, a healthy mind, body and spirit! Wings that soar - hearts that fly - lips are magical

And please make the holiday magical and fun and light and friendly and not ignorant or arrogant! Oh how I wish everyone was gay!

Gay is my world! My family! My gay family! I am so at home - help me understand and "tolerate" straight people! It's very difficult at times - most times! So shallow - so opposite - so strange - so weird! So different! So righteous thinking and oh so wrong in their thinking!

Make tomorrow and the week magical and fulfilled with love, magic, running grace and speed and happiness and love and a bullist market and love in our hearts - and kindness and calmness and hope, jobs, love, honor, intregity and monetary gifts for all. May our bail out be large and useful!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

it's magical when it's 76 degrees on voting day November 4th 2008! Magical and the magnificent orange and brilliant golds of the leaves are beautiful! What a blessed day!

And get a load of this - Creepy Carl Roves, campaign adviser for Bush and McCain predicts today that Obama will win by a landslide! He admits defeat! Gee, do you think that we are actual having an HONEST election for a change!

So much for honest Republican Christianity! Republicans only panhandled to Christians with loose promises to get their votes! Personnally I think all sects should pay taxes. You know you too should have the opportunity to contribute to rich robbing CEO's bail outs! Please! It was a scheme I believe from the get-go! Just a last minute chance to put even more money in cheating rich men's pockets!

I suggest Obama clear lobbyist out of Wasington! They should not be permitted to buy the presidency and Congress! Obama told no money from them! Like every other "tax" payer they should petition the district representatives like every one else and notbuy their way'.

I also believe that all regulations that were nullified should be reinstated! I as t those protection for tax paying citizens to be pit back into place as FDR intended in 1932 during the depression! We are only damn lucky if we don't have a repeat of the 30's!

It's about time we have a government for the tax paying people by the people! And make those greedy ass rich bucks pay more taxes!

They should pay their fair share!
We the American public are being sick of being ripped off by government allowed and encouraged crooked behavior from drug companies buying the FDA, buying deregulations so can continue to built faulty, tail lights out, junk American cars! From health insurance companies that are allowed and encouraged by bully officials to refuse to cover doctor prescribed and in many cases life saving procedures! It often appeared to victims that insurance companies were axtually waiting foe the patient to die so they wouldn't have to cover cost! This is what I am talking about and the government knew it was going on. Government, especially Republicans are out for large corporations and give them tax cuts while we work our asses off in minimum wage jobs to bail their sorry asses out!