Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wonderful LIfe

Life is mystical, magical and sex is wonderful! Does it get any better?

Life is filled with wonderful friends of plenty. I'm so blessed!

I am grateful for my many blessings of safety, monetary gifts, love, good health, the ability to love. And I'm falling asleep...really to dream.

I am delighted with life. The older I get the more, or rather, I finally realize that sex is very imortant in our lives.....and as kids we were taught it was extremely sinful. How dare the church! Hypocrites - past and present

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A spirit soars....

There was a cell phone salesman on Oprah's show today who sang and brought people in the audience to tears. He brought me to tears. He was so in his niche.

He had no formal training but sang as a child when kids made fun of him. I guess it gave him comfort and purpose. He said that he felt that he was born to sing. I wish I felt that way about something. I envy that.

You know what I think? I think a passed opera singer spirit from a past life felt he died too soon and is shining his talents through this young man.

This spirit pass sent this young man a wonderful suportive spirit in the way of his wife who is the wind beneath his wings and supports his efforts fully. The young talent grave tribute to his wonderfully supportive wife. She believes wholeheartedly in him.

To sing is this young man's mission and it is why he feels so comfortable when he is singing. He has recording a CD but kept his cell phone sales day job although he has already sold a million CD around the world thanks to YOU TUBE on the internet.

I truly believe in spirits who are on the other side who act and speak through us. I believe this without a doubt. I believe too they have their own agenda and use our resources if we are open to it and agreeable. I remember the day when I offered my services. I guess I was feeling very grateful for all of my blessings that day.

I believe our energies connect with living spirits and with past spirits. I feel Ezekiel's presence. And I feel Edy Goodenoughs and Georgette's spirits and their presence. Although sometimes I feel that they are very busy having fun and living their own "past" lives. They are the spirits that were re-united after life when my friend went to speak to Ezekiel (a channeled spirit).

On her visit to Ezekiel he nailed her, then he asked if there was anyone she wished to speak to. She mentioned Edy and Edy was waiting right there. My friend asked if Edy was with Georgette and she replied. "No, and I miss her." Ezekiel asked my friend what Georgtte's last name was and when he said it...she was instantly there. Ezekiel said. "Oh, she comes fast." I have the tape and have lisitened to it more than once and I am amazed and feel blessed each time I listen to it that I was a part of this miracle reunion.

When I met my friend and she would speak fondly of Edy and say she missed her. I said. "I think she watches over you." I think I said that because Edy was speaking through me. Because all of a sudden the words came to me. You see when my friend told me of some things that Edy said, I knew that Edy believed in the after life. Another time when my friend spoke of Edy I said. "I bet she would like to speak to you." The idea kept nagging at me until my friend agreed and I made the appointment with the woman who channels Ezekiel.

I was so amazed when listening to the tape and so glad that I was a part of the re-uniting of Edy and Georgette. You see I think my friend had to get them together because at one point my friend came between them when she was remantically connected with Edy. Perhaps Georgette just needed a little nudge to come back..she said she had found a beautiful place and she called it Jamica. I thought that was pretty cute. I pictured them very young in the after life. My understanding about it is that you can be any age and look anyway you wish.

But now at times I feel at the cross roads and my sexual desire has deminished somewhat. I firmly believe that I was used as a guide, so to speak, and my purpose was to hook up with my friend so I could get her to Ezekiel. Edy had to use me because I believed in the afterlife and could get my friend there to speak with Ezekiel. In retrospect I can connect the confident times and times and places when I felt very confident with what I was doing..normally I'm not that confident but more wishy washy. In retrospect I am confident that I was truly on a spiritual mission.

I believe my mission may have begun back in the early 1990's when I first visited Ezekeil and believed in him. Edy passed in the fall of 03 and Georgette in the fall 0f 02. I split with my partner of fifteen years in the fall of 04. I remember telling my partner at the time..."It's bigger than both of us." Meaning that I had to move on. Even Ezekiel told me "that the time we were meant to be together had come to an end and we had different paths to travel." However, I still love my ex we were good friends and remain so living near one another.

I think life is mystical and magical. I love life and I want more magical moments. I believe magical moments happen all the time that we only need take the time to realize and truly appreciate them. I believe we are spirits visiting here on earth in the lives and bodies we planned to be in before we chose to vist life and earth. I believe we pre-planned our human lives to service specific purposes and missions here be it for others or ourselves.

I have another theory. I believe life and the existence of our energy, which never goes away but only takes on different forms, experienced past, present and future all at the same time. We just don't realize that it is all happening at once. "Spiritual multitasking" I call it.

Now, I want to feel fullfilled once again. I wish to feel sound and whole! I want to be satisficied and extremely happy..even if nothing has changed in my life... I just want to feel that way. I want to feel loved and in love. I want to be sexually fullfilled, satisfied for I lost that after the re-uniting. I want to feel confident and as sure of myself as I did when I was completing the tasks that led me on my mission to re-unite my friend with her friend passed and the spiritual re-uniting of Edy and Georgette.

So I ask them now for that favor. I want purpose and fullfillment now in my life. I want to feel the estatic excitement of love with another woman. You see, I missed all that in this life as I was born too soon in a strick religious, cold, angry environment. I want to feel comfortable with my mission whatever it is. And of course I want to feel in love and very happy and satisfied and comfortable with her, the love my life. She'll be perfect for me, I know. I want to feel that we are two spirits uniting. I'm not feeling that now. I am feeling distance. I am feeling that it is forced and I am trying to get my sexual satisfaction after the mission has been completed.

I need these three spirits and my spirit guides to send the right love connection spirit to me - in this life yet. I still have time and lots to offer. I am very attractive, loving and full of active life and sexual desire. So I beseech my spirit friends and ask they give me a boost.

There was another magical moment on the Oprah show...that adorable English bull dog who skate boarded. His master said he was self-taught. You could see the dog loved the skate board as he carried it off in his mouth, threw it down pedaled and then proudly hopped on and rode like the wing. I wanted to take me home with me. Another free spirit? Was he once a boy who skate boarded and was robbed of his youth by accident or illness then death. Only to wanted to rush back to skate board. I believe it. I love it!

And now I just finished watching Lisa Williams. She communicates with pasted spirits. In one insistent ten years ago a woman lost her six year old son who was hit by a car. He tells her through Lisa that he is coming back as her grandbaby. The woman's daughter is pregnant.

So see....and why did that woman go to talk to Lisa Williams. There are times too where Lisa finds herself on the street and stoping people to talk to them when spirits and put Lisa and particular persons together in the same place so they can indeed communicate.

Life and the after life are so amazing. I am so glad to be so aware of these things and I am learning more all the time. Thank you universe.

And while I'm at it, thank you universe for all of my many blessings of material safety and things...please keep everything working well. I truly appreciate it. Please take care of my friends and loves ones. I thank you for them in case they forget. Send me love, warm precious, love, blond and feminine and she comes to me....she wants me. She wants a relationship that shines and she is very special and we communicate beautifully. I feel her presence already.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Life is....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Life is so...
Sunday, October 21, 2007Life is....mystical and magical and wonderful. She remembered me. The good doctor remembered me. She saved my life back then...she heals me when I think of her. I fell in love with her and my life changed. I still think she probably just thinks I'm weird. I hope not! She will forever be in my heart!She remembered from three years ago. Her busy life. Her busy schedule...all the really important things she does...yet she remembered and asked and was concerned. I will love her forever. She remembered. I am so impressed! What doctor would remember or even bother. I love her very much.I knew that there was something very extraordinary about her when I met her. Now SHE is god! She is about the warmest, loving, most caring person I believe that I have ever met.My heart ached in her arms. Her heart hurt! There was just this wonderful spiritual and magical connection that I don't think will ever fab.What a wonderful person she is...

Universe..please always watch over her and love and protect her

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Feeling Abandoned

by my "special" spiritual guides who had me on a special mission.

The mission is over...they have been reunited. I got my friend there to speak with Ezekiel to help bring them together. Now I'm without spiritual purpose and feeling rather abandoned. As the mission was going on for the past three years I felt purpose, positive, and confident. Now I feel lost. My art was also a mystical part of the journey. Now that the journey is over...I feel empty and miss feeling that special "purpose" of a mission.

I prefer a spiritual purpose that would involve and evolve me into a loving sexual partnered relationship. Guess I"m feeling lonely and without a "daily based relationship". Mine are in bits and pieces.

Well, I am open to another fun reuniting mission. I could find someone special along the way again.....

Sunday, September 16, 2007

More mystical learning and magic

My life is magic! I know people in high places. I feel their presence: Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette. I believe the two E's worked together on changing my life to befit hers; which I do not mind at all. I have always been open to helping someone on the other side. No truthfully, I believe that I have thought about it in depth.

I am mystified by the spirit world. They are all around us you know. Edy was right there and Ezekiel saw her and then asked my friend if there was anyone she wished to speak to? "Edy" was her reply.

You see, I had told my friend since the time she told me about her relationship and love of Edy that "Edy, watches out for you". or I may have told her. "I bet Edy would love to speak to you". Oh just guess who put those thoughts in my head? (actually, I don't believe thoughts are only in our heads, but all around us for channeled spirits such as Ezekiel to pick up on.

Now, I'm going to make a brave statement. I don't feel I necessarily have to channel Ezekiel, but I wouldn't mind being extremely intuitive or clairvoyant. You know, feel people's thoughts, see their aura and know their past, present and future. I believe that all three occur at one time.

Well, in retrospect I see where Edy (pass in fall of 2003) seeks Ezekiels's help or she, herself, influenced me to do something for her - deliever a message. You see I believe that Edy wanted and needed to speak, through Ezekiel, to my friend. I was the messenger. I go my friend to see Ezekiel, rather to speak with him. He is a channeled speak whom I have been speaking with since about 1992 or 1994, somewhere around that time.

So, first of all I left my job, which gave me a lot of free time to think about life in general and my life in particular. I didn't get alone with my family. Oh, they thought everything was just fine, but I antagonized over them. I dreaded phone calls. They drained the life out of me.

I began seeing Ezekeil. He told me that the time that was meant to spend with my long term partner had come to an end. I was mess, so was she. I was so in love with an unobtainable, straight woman. The very thought of her changed my life and my thinking. But nothing came of it accept me ending a long term relationship.

I was down and begged the universe for help and indicated "I would help". In doing what I have no clue. But I felt those magical moments when I was "foreward" (well for me it was. I would not have normally spoke that easy to someone. Actually, I think she wanted to speak to me already the previous years at the same event, but other people had her very busy talking; but I saw that look on her face) and talked to my friend, whom I speak of, and I was bold and I am not normally.

My quest was to get my friend in to speak with Ezekiel so she could ultimately speak to Edy. Edy had a purpose she wanted to be reunited with Georgette who had died the year before. My friend has asked if she saw Georgette and Edy said. "No, and I miss her".

Ezekiel asked my friend Georgette last name and then she heard him say (it's recorded on tape). "Oh, she comes quickly. They melt together". So see, I was instrumental in getting my friend to see Ezekiel so he could get Georgette reunited with Edy and it all worked out as planned. I was very instrumental. I should have known that the event was spiritual, mystical and magical because I was not afraid and normally I think I would be shy and speakless and never that sure of any thing.

Edy owes me one (actually, she will be watching over me and my friend, for lifetimes, I do believe). I know Edy is around because there are magical signs. For example, my friends (my closest friends who are like my family) bought me a singing birthday card..the little song inside was by Johnnie Cash. Earlier in the day we all were kayaking down a beautiful, as clean as you can get, I guess, river and guess what? In the water, they found a Johnnie Cash CD (it was a copy of "Johnnie Cash III" written on it in black ink. They tried it and the CD, although pretty scratched up, played. Magical because it matched the card? Yes! Magical because they even found it? Yes!

I know Ezekiel and Edy watch over me and give me signs and magical moments. I love it! And I thank them for my many happy, wonderful magical, loving moments.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chapter 1 How do I decribe this day?

This, my friends, is a pivotal day in my life. A day that will remain embedded in spiritual loving memory forever. Sometimes I have to think back and say myself - did it really happy? But, I have it on audio tape, so I have proof! I want to write about it here so I get it down, recorded correctly and molded into the cravens of my absorbing mind. I've changed the names to protect the innocent!

Is this what I get for asking the universe for a magical day? Magic? Yes, indeed, I got magic and mystery solved. I wonder how many times I'll have to write this to get it right and give the story tale validity and justice: This magical, memorable, sunny warm day of Tuesday, August 28, 2007, at approximately 10:15 AM when we two human beings connected with familiar spirits of the spirit world. Yes, a pivotal moment in time.

And so I begin my story. Periodically, I'd say about once or twice a year or when I feel it's needed, I visit a woman who channels a spirit named Ezekiel. He's good for my soul. I feel comforted by him. "He's my buddy!" I might even acclaim to my friends

It's been a short while since I spoke with Ezekiel and everything in my life appears to be going along smoothly so I really had no need to him..or so I thought.

But since I have been seeing Marcia for about a year now, it seems that for the past few months I had a strong urge to take her there to speak with Ezekiel. Well, when I first met Marcia she told me of a dear sweet departed friend named Edy that she missed misses very much.

After four weeks or more of thinking about it I made two thirty minute appointments with Jeannine to channel Ezekiel. Marcia was agreeable but skeptic which I was a little surprised. I said earlier in the month that I thought Edy wanted to speak to her and thought for sure she wanted to speak to Edy.

Ever since Marcia spoke to me about her I thought a lot about Edy. Marcia said she was an artist and designed and build the larger than life size animals at Noah's Ark restaurant. And since my friend Marcia told me about Edy (Marcia even thinks that I'm a lot like Edy). And I found myself thinking of Edy from time to time. I am pretty sure that I think of her because I too am into art myself; but, not as near to the extent or in depth as Edy. It seems; however, that lately even more so than before, I have been thinking about her.
Edy died around the fall of 2004. She died of lung cancer and a year before that her lover, Georgette, of thirty years died of ovarian cancer. Marcia missed them both. She said they both loved her and she loved them.

I'm wondering as we drive there to the old historical, in bad need of repair, two story in rural Missouri how Ezekiel was going to nail Marcia for after all she lives a complex life. I felt more like the messenger and not another client this day as we drove along sharing small talk. In my mind and heart I pretty much believe that Edy wants to talk to Marcia but I still worry how the overall visit will affect Marcia. Remember I said she was skeptical.

However, as it turned out, Marcia got nailed. Yes, Ezekiel nailed her! Ezekiel said name of person? Well, there's Roger and woman lover named Donna. Well, Marcia said from the beginning it seemed that Ezekiel was being side tracked and finding it hard to come forward. He kept waving his hands as if another spirit was distracting him. Then he spoke to Marcia as if he knew she was a new client. I don't think he asked her name but during beginning introductions mentioned Marcia's name in announcing he doesn't read your mind or mention death or disease.

Marcia spoke of her girlfriend and her husband. Ezekiel said that the girlfriend loves her and she loves her in return and that the girlfriend get four points while husband only got two points. I complete her. I make her whole. That's a lot of responsibility that Edy, I know, oversees.

Ezekiel said that Marcia works out to feel free and that she feels free when she goes running and rides her bicycle as fast as she could and competes and wins. He said that Marcia was made up of two energies and if she lost one she would lose the other and be gone. He said she and I would continue our relationship for a long time; that neither one of us was going anywhere without the other. In my session she smiled when he told me that we would have a wonderful time in Arizona in February when we visit there.

Then Ezekiel asked if Marcia had someone she wanted to speak to? Marcia answered by saying the name: "Edy". Ezekiel said that someone was pacing fast back and forth behind her and jokingly says that she could not do what she wants here. She said she didn't want to die but couldn't fight her diseased cancer filled body any longer.

Then Marcia asked her if Edy saw Georgette. Edy said. "No, and I miss her". So, I believe it was Marcia first who asked for Georgette and then Edy. Or maybe both at the same time. No matter, instantly Georgette appeared. Ezekiel describes the scene then. "They embrace and smelt together". He described. Both women apologized to one another for leaving the other or for hurting one another. I got the feeling, that Marcia had at one time came between them. Marcia who was already seeing someone else. Marcia said she finally said that she had to quite what they were doing...two too many people were getting hurt. I don't know how long the affair lasted.

Ezekiel is a wonderful translator and tells Marcia what both Georgette and Edy are talking to each other and carrying on a conversation. They are reunited at that very moment that Marcia is sitting there with Ezekiel and Ezekiel and Marcia know they are witnessing a magical moment. I believe that Marcia with my help brought those two women back together where they belong. They were lost without each other. I have a feeling that they are once again in their thirties. I can feel their energies and I can feel their gratitude and love. Instantly my art ability has improved. Edy guides my brush, pushes my enthusiasm.

When I got in there he said they talked about me and that Marcia wasn't ever leaving our relationship; that what we had was magical.
The moon was full yesterday and there was a total eclipse of the moon early in the morning around five. A magical moment. Today I heard they were in the process of tearing down Noah Ark restaurant but "magically" they are saving the huge giranfe and other animals. The animals will stay there incorporated into the new "Noah's Ark" development. I was so happy to hear that her creations were going to be preserved.
These past days events have changed my life forever. I ride on a higher plane. I'm still riding high. I know the two women are beholden to me and my creativity will soar endlessly. I'll have one idea after the other for artistic projects. Can't wait!
Well, I did get Marcia there so she could get the two women together again. It's all recorded. I have the tape. It was truly magical.
One woman couldn't or wouldn't call the other forward and she missed her. She said Georgette was on a different plane so either Ezekiel or Marcia asked her to come forward. She was there in a flash. I heard the process. They embraced. I believe the word Ezekiel used was "welted" together.
Too cool! I love this stuff. What can top this? I'm welling to do anything for them in return for more talent and awesome drawings, paintings, singing and guitar playing. I'm ready to deal!
I am so happy they are re-united. It gives me great hope for myself even though I feel that I am the only person who believes in the after life. My friends look at me like I am crazy. How can they not realize this is magical, mystical and spiritual.
I feel special and blessed and watched over. I love it! I think this event has been planned for a long time. Maybe since 1999 when I first visited Ezekiel? There was always something special about Marcia. Whenever I saw her....there was just something that struck me about her.
I think my mission was getting her to Ezekiel since November of 2004 when I left my fifteen year relationship. The time we were meant to be together had come to an end. We both had different paths to follow.
This is so exciting. I got her there. She spoke to them and got them together! Life is sweet! So is love. They requested she stop being so stubborn and get her life together.