Thursday, February 28, 2008

I should be reading "The New Earth"

by Eckhart Tolle for the Oprah on line class beginning Monday, March 3rd for ten weeks at her wed site.

But, I feel like writing. About what? Don't know. But I requested a magical day today and I got one. I love this stuff - "The Secret". You know, requesting magical moments and getting them. The universe is with me. We are very powerful if only we know it. I know it. This is the best time of my life. I'm loving it!

Isn't it funny how women read these spiritual self help books and men don't. But, it seems to me that men are the ones who really need to read them. The bad news on TV is usually about men. Men committing crimes.

Why? You think because more men are in the public light. And gee, I wonder why that is? They put themselves there; they want to be in the limelight! They want to boss, lead and get all the credit! They do not women telling them what to do. Well, there goes Hillary I guess!

Okay this is supposed to be spiritual. My magical moment today. My art! I had fun at the Artist Guild and fellow artist were wowed by my Iphone. It was funny. I had an audience of about eight people checking out this fabulous - how could I live without it - phone!

If you want to be in touch with the internet no matter where you go; have GPS and mapping, camera and phone - it's the thing to get!

So, I was thrilled. I love being entertaining! Well, to an extent. I settled now then and sat and drew with the rest of them. We had a nude male model today. He was good. He sat very still. During the one minute poses, he didn't even blink! I could never do that! I think my drawing were pretty good. The last one the best! The second to the last one arm (he held them above his head) is bigger than the other. I love drawing portraits I could do it all day long.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Universe, I need your help!

This could turn interesting.  So iI need the help of the universe. I thank the universe for all of my blessings.  please keep us safe and out of trouble.  And help me find someone more suitable to me Thank youuyour so much She is on  her way now I know Thank you all the spirits of the universe and beyond.  Thanks

Monday, February 11, 2008

I am thankful

for all of my many blessings of hope, love, peace, gentleness, caring, good health, humor, common sense, agility, toughness, confidence, brilliance, artist ability, yoga, flexibility, enough money to get by, wisdom, courage, fortitude, honor, integrity, trustworthiness, and good nature.

Okay, that's enough. I'm grateful for all my things staying together and in good condition, body, mind, spirit, home applicances, and auto.

I thank the universe for all of my many loves in my life and beyond.

Gee, I haven't thought about the beyond for a couple of days. I hope Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette are doing well. I trust they'll make our (my and M's) time together very fun and fine.

I know one thing and that is that I'm very tired of winter and so ready for Spring. It was very cold sleeting and snowing today. Yesterday I framed drawings, today I made soup and watched it get out outdoors. And stayed in front of the fire.

I'm grateful. I just wanted to say that. I'm open to the universe to creative adventures and love. Sweet love - one can never get enough.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Artistic Magic!

Last evening watching Oprah's "The Secret and Beyond" my spirituality was renewed. Sometimes we forget to reflect, be grateful, project, dream, wish, and plan. But, I did last night
during meditation session at yoga.

I opened my heart, spirit and mind up to the spiritual side and energy of the universe. Our energies are all connected and our thoughts make things happen rather we are conscious of it or now. So, I've forgotten the hurt and harm of the past, my troubling youth and anger of the miss justice in the world, the off balance and pull and push of our patriarchal, authoritarian, troubling religious consciousness that is so wrong, controlling, manipulating and self-serving. I find comfort in the fact that people are finally catching on to the fictitious hypocrisy of it all.

I'm done with that. From here on out, life is beautiful, mystical, creative and magical. Positive energy flows through out my world. Only positive, feminine energy. I opened my heart and magic stepped in.

My heart has been light since. Today during our art session I received a high compliment from a fellow, respected, artist. I was insecure about my talents and I find that I'm blossoming. I think the universe. I know and realize that I have friends in high places. Her name is Edy. She's an artist. I didn't know her. But my lover did. Edy passed in 03 and her lesbian lover, Georgette, the year before in 02. My lover had slightly come between them at one time when she had a slight afraid with Edy. So, in walks me. Innocent! But I had offered my spirit to the spirit world to help anyone there are here.

Isn't it wonderfully amazing how we can help THEM too! So, I think as far back perhaps as 1992 when my partner at the time took me to see (well not see), speak to Ezekiel, a channeled spirit. He nailed me as he does everyone. I miss him. It's been a while I feel I need to visit him just to see how he is doing. He comes across to me as a wise old spirit; kind and sure footed. He's usually right on.

Ezekiel told me at our last visit that I would sell my art. And once I sold, I would keep selling! Of course I was excited when I heard this. I'm filled with hope. I love singing and playing my guitar too. And I love to swing dance. I realize that I am very fortunate to have such gifts in my heart. Do you know how many people do not have rhythm? Many? I'm actually, a rarity. So, I don't want to waste this gift, none of my gifts. I'm sixty. I should have started all of this years ago.

But you know age is irrelevant. Really, sixty is nothing anymore. sixty is younger than forty. My health age according to Dr. Oz's test is age 48. I really feel younger than that actually. I'm excited about life. To think I spent the first forty years in agony is troublesome to time. Amazing. But time starts now. I'm excited about my art and the possibilities.

Anyway, I would find myself saying to my lover when she spoke of Edy. "You know I think Edy watches over you". See I knew in my heart I was sent to take care of lover. I was so secure and sure footed throughout the journey leading up to us getting together. I love this magical stuff. I truly love it because I feel so light hearted, brilliant, secure, beautiful, young, strong, like I can do anything. And during truly magical times.. the weather is very beautiful and magical too.

So when my lover spoke of how spiritual Edy was I found myself saying. "I bet she would really like to speak with you. " Well, after several times of bringing it up and she saying she would go. I made the appointment.

You should hear the tape. Very cool! Here how it goes. First of all Ezekiel nails my lover, M. He nails everyone. Although Ezekiel is channeled by a woman, her voice changes and I just feel that the Ezekiel spirit is more masculine than feminine. Although I truly believe that in the spirit world there is no sex, gender, race, or time. Per Ezekiel, many months can flash in the blink of an eye in the spirit world.

During the conversation Ezekiel asked M if there is anyone should would like to speak to. She says. "Edy". And Ezekiel says "Well, she paces patiently behind you." So then she and M chit chat. And then M asked "Edy, are you there with Georgette?" Edy replies. "No, and I miss her". Would you like to see her? And then Ezekiel asks M what Georgette's last name is?
And low and behold he says her name and then says. "Oh, she comes quickly." And then "They embrace, they weld together."

The tape is wonderful! See I believe I did a good thing. I got M there to speak to Ezekiel so she could help reunite Edy and Georgette. Just maybe Georgette hadn't gotten over the affair Edy and M had at one time. But all is well now and I'm so glad to have been a part of getting them all together.

Maybe Edy came to me and incorporated my artist talents. I always liked to draw as a kid and sing and I took accordion lessons. You know one time I heard as I was watching the six DVD set of the "What The Bleep Do we Know?" sequel "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want to Go?" That past, present, and future all happens at the same time. How amazing is that? And it makes sense regarding this in terms of our consciousness. Can we actually change the past? Yes, I truly believe we can. Well, our interpretation of it, can be changed on an on going basis.

I love this stuff. So no wonder my day was magical. I planned it that way. And I have this wonderful help and influence on the other side. So, I never feel lonely. No I've never met Edy I was pictures of her and M this she has taken greatly influenced my earthly being. I love this stuff. I talk to them all the time. Sometimes I accuse them of playing tricks on me. And I don't get upset.

For example. When I got home from the art session I looked for the two drawings of a model/artist whom I drew two weeks ago. She had approached me today asking to see them. See said J told her they were very good. Wow! My best dream come true yet! Well, I told her that I didn't have them with me but that I would frame them and have them at J's gallery. She so graciously, wonderfully, invited me to show my art! What an honor! I'm nervous.

You know I think I'm giving up this "nervous" emotion because it's only negative, unproductive, needless, pointless, unnecessary energy that could be spent and creating art!

See this magical, getting what you wish for works...just read yesterday's post.

May the spirit be with you!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

After yoga and meditation

Yes, after watching the Oprah show about our thoughts and wishes ultimately creating our realities I got to thinking. You know I want to make the best of my time here, this time around, on earth. I'm above all the petty stuff, if only I can learn to relax and trust the universe.

I need to let go of worry and concern. Because I already asked the universe to watch over me, protect me, and keep me safe. I ask please protect and keep my things working and safe. You know like my car, my refrigerator, my washer and dryer. Please? You see I need to save my money. I need at least a couple of trouble free, inexpensive years.

And if you read the previous entry, in yoga class I meditated this evening and asked the universe to make my life fun, fulfilling, loving and magical. I love magical days. And usually in sudden realization retrospect I realize that it was a truly magical day. Usually my magical days are sunny, wonderful, crisp, clear days filled with light heartiness.

I think it's exciting to know that I can think it, plan it, want it then leave it along, put it out of my mind and in no time at all. I'll get what I want.

I want to be magical. I want to walk past someone and feel their thoughts and worries. I know that sounds freakiest but. Oh well, here's an example. I am walking down the street very confident and youthfully cute and adorable when I see a young woman heading my way and I feel her thoughts; sense her thoughts about her realizing her boyfriend is untrustworthy..and I say "Forget about him". You think that would shock people? I'd come back with, "just a lucky guess" if need be.

Anyway, I want all of my days to be filled with magically happy moments touching people's lives. I want to be a "fill good", make 'em smile kind of person. I want to be very artistic, be it drawing, painting, sculpting, singing, playing my guitar or keyboard or piano accordion. I want to be good. Good and talent and cute and youthful doing it. Oh, a fast runner, and great, smooth and fast bicyclist too and ride, run and swim well into my 80's and beyond. There was just such a woman on Oprah this afternoon, Louis L Kay and she was 81. Very attractive! See you could tell she knew no age. She was too busy enjoying her life of writing and doing meditating, soul searching work shops. Also recently I saw a woman who was 92 that until recently did caving. She said her body got old but her spirit was very youthful. That must be hard to be a young spirit trapped in an old body. But I think you can wish that away. I know when I get to the point where I can't be active anymore I will be a wishing.

I came to another realization today and that is about the good doctor. I'll always love her because she saved my life. She was god to me. A goddess. I feel the universe has something yet in store that maybe this isn't over yet. No I don't think so. Because why did I fall so hard and for so long well after the deed was done. You see the good doctor was my catalyst to a huge life change. In the fall of 04 I ended a fifteen year relationship. Sometimes I miss it and it makes me cry and other times I know I need to be living alone to tap into my creative side. We are still very close friends and she has a wonderful, well suited partner and I'm seeing someone. So it all worked out. In the Spring of 05, I ditched my relationship with my so called "family". I spent time with my "real" gay family now made up of my priceless gay friends. At that same time, I moved from one state to another. I love where I live; so centralized and close to all my friends and activities. I dated a young woman and then got that out of my system. You see I tried to please society and church by trying to live a straight life. The sex was okay. I could respond, but I had nothing to give. Sex is wonderful with a woman; I'll never go back. I have so much to give. It's natural to me! Yes, I ditched religion too.

The good doctor will always be in my heart because falling for her sent me on a new path in my life. A journey I had to take. Funny, how we don't realize we are truly unhappy. Some people get sick when they need a life change - I fell in love. I realize now that subconsciously I planned it that way. Remember thoughts are powerful. So, I'm so excited about my next journey because I know it will be magical. I'm due to visit the Southwest; I've never been and I know it will be a life lesson of change, a true self discovery, artistic, creative, loving, sexual and life changing. I'm headed down a different path where I keep the old but tack on some things that are new. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. Hey, I know Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette are watching out over me. Hey, Edy and Georgette owe me. You see when my friend spoke of her loving friend, Edy. I knew that Edy was spirit and I found myself saying "She watches out over you". And another time when she spoke of Edy I found myself saying "I think she would like to speak with you". Yes, on two or more different ocassions I said that. It just popped in my head and out of my mouth. Guess who? Unbeknownist at the time to me, of course. Until I heard the tape then I pieced it all together. What a fabulous journey that was! And more is to come. See in retrospect I recall making very sound decisions and feeling that the days were magical. Little did I know that I was on a mission for Edy. Interesting? Fasinating!

So I'm planning my future as I write. Tonight at yoga while meditating I put myself in the universe's hands - to guide me. You see they (my friends in high places) had me on a previous mission and yes I delivered. I wrote about here, on this blog. How my mission was to befriend a new lover and evidently get her to see Ezekiel, a channeled spirit, where while there talking to him, Edy her decease in 2003 friend wants to talk to her. And in the course of the conversation my friend asked Edy if she see Georgette, her lover of 30 years? And Edy replies. "No, and I miss her". So my friend had to be there so Edy and Georgette could patch things up and reunite. I listened to tape and it was truly magical so I was glad to be a part of it. I think since 2003 (the year I retired) and since first going to speak with Ezekiel back in 1992 with my ex that this journey was in the making. I feel it. I know it. My ex says she had a hand in it because visiting and talking with Ezekiel was her idea (as she remembers it. I'll always love her too).

Time starts now. My magical life begins at this moment. Well, my life was always magical.. I merely tend to forget that even less now and I am more conscious of my spiritual, mental, powers. I want to put them to good use in helping others and having fun at doing it. I want to be exceptional, cute, active, very talented and very very youthful. I am ageless! Tall and straight; pretty and proud and in love with life.

We are living our thoughts...

Living "The Secret"! So many millions of people opened their doors to enhancing their lives by positive thought.

Now to go deeper into the Secret. "You can Heal your life" Louise Hay wrote the book 24 years ago. 20 years ago. She wrote it in six months and it was on the best seller list for six years. It totally changed her life. Her life began in her fifties. She is 81 and having fun...And looks very nice. She said life loves you and if you love life you get this wonderful things going. She was in her fifties when she heard someone say "if you change your thinking, you can change your life". She looks and acts like she is 60. Hm! I'm watching Oprah.

Martha Beck, "O" magazine writer, tells you why "the Secret" lists works or doesn't work.

Cheryl Richardson is a life coach..and very pretty. Agrees thought do affect our life.

Louise L. Hay has a new movie with Richard Dyer, Dr. Gay Hendricks, Start by doing affirmations says Cheryl Richard. Your thoughts create your life. I'm assuming the movie is also called "You Can Heal Your Life".

The law of attraction works by everything you think and speak goes out and comes back to you. Most of the time we talk negative. Not good! You must talk and think positive to get positive back. She teaches people to love themselves. Love yourself and life will flow.

Affirmation is like planting a seed...give it a chance to grow. It works but why? In February issue of "O" article called "The List". Says Martha Beck don't make the list shallow..go to
your core of peace and make the wish authentic..not shallow. Be confident when you make the list and then let it go and forget it. The "ring of fire" is what you have to go through to get to your core of peace. Example Martha was pregnant with a Down Syndrome baby. Her shallow said have an abortion. Her peace core said have ht ebaby. She had to go through her ring of fire of giving up her applied PH.D candidacy.

Cheryl Richardson, life coach, says, we have to give up material things. We are spiritual being on earth having a human experience. We need to raise our level of consciousness.

Oprah gets a bubble blower from Tiffany's. That is her spiritual level. She had the bubble blower all the time but didn't realize it until she decided to blow bubbles with her niece after having a bubble blower on the show.. then suddenly in her dressing room she finds the Tiffany's bubble blower.

Heather, a telephone, guest created a love list and put it away and after she was married for some time she found the list and her husband was all of the things she asked for. She believes in the power of her. Because she believed in herself. To make this work you have to be in a good place with yourself.

I think I am in a good place. I'm just a little scared of what I think about and what I think I want. I keep thinking about the good doctor. And it's funny how since Sept, 2004 she pops up every once in a while and I'm blessed to see her...even if not personal. I see her vision .. okay,, on TV. Someone once told me in 05 that I haven't see the last of her; that I'd see her again.

I can't help what is in my heart. I have these feelings for her. I don't know if we were together in a past life or what. All I know is that I think I feel it when she talks or thinks of me..I don't want to be self absorbed and think that she actually thinks of me. But about the time that I thought of her so strongly that she was on my mind when I awoke and went to sleep was the same time that my friend had gone to see her and she, the doctor, asked about me. My friend said that she was genuinely concerned about me.

Hey, all I know is my feelings are her are deep. I could feel her looking at me back in the Spring of 04. I thought about it 24/7. So, something is going on here and is bigger probably than both she or I. And this woman is brilliant. And then there is me.

"Finding your own North Star" A book by Martha Beck. Also we should have a vision book. Put your wants on the board and let it come true. One woman started to think differently. She said your feelings are the magnetics that pull your wishes and thoughts to you.

You should let things go. Those bad experiences of the past. You don't have to reconnect with a person or event in the past..just let it go.

Jenny Mccarthy is an example of how things work. She put going to the Oprah Show on her wish board after she wrote a book.

"Read " A new earth" by Eckhart Tolle then sign up for Oprah's on line class. Hm, guess I"ll have to get the book. I just ordered the book and another one by Eckhart Tolle.

"An awakening to our own spiritual power".... See, the power does lie within each and every one
of us. Consciousness brings energy into matter. Some qauntum physics come into play. For example if you keep thinking about the color blue pretty soon you notice all the blues around you. Another thing someone pointed out and that is, If you don't need anything, everything comes to you.

If you want something so much means that you haven't let it go. Damn! Now I have to let her go! Okay, I should want her and then surrender and let it go. Let her go.

Maybe women are more intuitive but it worked with Jim Kerry, actor, wrote himself a check for $10,000 and carried it in his wallet for five years. He had forgotten about it. Then low and behold he got the part in "Dumb and Dumber".

One thing for sure, you have to believe in knowing that it will work or it won't work. I think I'll concentrate and then forget that this TV screams commercials at me!

How does the law of attraction work if one partner is positive and her spouse is a doubter. He says he is cautious. Cheryl Richards said get paper and write three things down and then forget about them. Put that sticker note on the mirror and every time to see it.. say "I really love you, Joe". See how can tell this guys needs this badly...he about teared up. Usually the ones who are hurting the worse are the most doubtful and skeptical; my take on this. My take on everything. We tend to fight or hate what scared us most or what hurts us most.

I'm glad I have this love in my heart for "my" doctor. Or is it love for me? Is the love in my heart for her or me? Actually I think both of us. But thinking about her puts me in a calm place. I can feel her presence. I can feel her heart. I can feel in my heart how I felt on that day when are hearts were very close together and they ached.

I just ordered "A New Earth" Awakening to Your Life Purpose.. Starting March 3rd, 2008 Eckhart Tolle and Oprah will be teaching this free class on line. Every Monday night for 10 weeks. Reserve your seat in class and get your first assignment. I"m doing it.