Thursday, February 28, 2008

I should be reading "The New Earth"

by Eckhart Tolle for the Oprah on line class beginning Monday, March 3rd for ten weeks at her wed site.

But, I feel like writing. About what? Don't know. But I requested a magical day today and I got one. I love this stuff - "The Secret". You know, requesting magical moments and getting them. The universe is with me. We are very powerful if only we know it. I know it. This is the best time of my life. I'm loving it!

Isn't it funny how women read these spiritual self help books and men don't. But, it seems to me that men are the ones who really need to read them. The bad news on TV is usually about men. Men committing crimes.

Why? You think because more men are in the public light. And gee, I wonder why that is? They put themselves there; they want to be in the limelight! They want to boss, lead and get all the credit! They do not women telling them what to do. Well, there goes Hillary I guess!

Okay this is supposed to be spiritual. My magical moment today. My art! I had fun at the Artist Guild and fellow artist were wowed by my Iphone. It was funny. I had an audience of about eight people checking out this fabulous - how could I live without it - phone!

If you want to be in touch with the internet no matter where you go; have GPS and mapping, camera and phone - it's the thing to get!

So, I was thrilled. I love being entertaining! Well, to an extent. I settled now then and sat and drew with the rest of them. We had a nude male model today. He was good. He sat very still. During the one minute poses, he didn't even blink! I could never do that! I think my drawing were pretty good. The last one the best! The second to the last one arm (he held them above his head) is bigger than the other. I love drawing portraits I could do it all day long.

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