Monday, March 24, 2008

I guess I knew that she was going to call

well, I drove to the park but came back home without even getting out of my car there.   I just didn't feel like running.   My legs were cold.   Actually, I think I'm fighting off a cold or my sinuses (god forbid - not that season again - I hate that crap in my throat).   I'm breathing through my mouth - so yes - it's a sinus or allergy day.   If it's like this on April 6th - I'm going to have a terrible time trying to run that half marathon.   So, universe, please help me out will you.

Anyway, at the park, I was thinking about calling my friend, my ex.   Hm.  But I didn't take the time and drove home.  When I got home I thought about just taking a short run around my neighborhood; but soon cancelled out that idea too.   I picked up my stuff out of the car and went inside.   

Once inside, again, I thought about calling my friend, but was going to eat something first.   Well, right then - she called "me".   Is that too weird.

I told her that I was just thinking about calling her.   I had not talked to her since the middle of last week and I was missing her.   I'm very glad we are on the same mental, mystical, spiritual universal plane.

We are all connected you know!

1 comment:

Mags said...

Hi, I was searching on the Internet for Jeannine C., who channels Ezekiel (and Tomas). My sister and I went to her years (many years) ago and have been trying to find her. I was so glad to see your 'blog' (I have never blogged before) and that she is still in Missouri. She was on Manchester when we went to see her.

Do you know how I could get ahold of her? (My sister is going to freak out when I tell her - I found her!). Can't wait!

Thank you for all your help :)