Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Magical Tuck and Roll

Well, I have learned things along the way in my life when I was very young that have come in handy all through my 60 years. One of those things was becoming a hair dresser while still in high school. I can honestly say I have probably saved thousands of dollars coloring and cutting my own hair. And it's in good condition!

Another thing I learned at a very young age was judo. Well, just beginning judo but I remember a few moves to move someone off balance. However, the important thing is that during those lessons the instructor threw me down enough times that I learned how to fall so that I do not get hurt. Falling with tuck and roll comes so natural to me now. It's automatic to tuck and roll never trying to stop or brace myself against the fall and just allowing it to happen while relaxing into it. Of course I am very flexible because I do yoga for years now.

Well, sometimes when I run it's common to maybe get distracted then trip over uneven sidewalk or pavement..normally I'll get bruised and skinned up. But, today the most mystical, magical thing happened I fell totally down on the ground and was not hurt at all as far as the eye could see.

I tripped on uneven pavement on the street near my home just starting out my run. I felt myself go down and let it happen leading with my right shoulder. I tucked and rolled landing on my back quarter of my right shoulder. I felt my feet fly up behind me and my right hip side cheek land on the pavement soundly. It hurt slightly for a second. The underside of my right forearm landed on the pavement too. Maybe my left knee hit slightly. I know my upper right arm made flat contact with the pavement..not the elbow point the flat part of the upper arm. Tuck and roll is trying to land on fatty parts..not bones: knees or elbows.

I flew back up as quickly as I went down and picked up my cap that flew off and continued my run. The slight pain, more of an abrasive tingle on my right thigh and upper right arm faded fast as I ran and forgot about it.

I had quickly examined those area and the amazing thing was that I saw literally not abrasions or scratches or beginning of bruising and I was totally down on the ground. My shoulder protected and kept my head from hitting the pavement.. that the purpose of tuck and roll.

So my running guides were watching out for me today. It was most magical. I just checked again.. I feel the area on my lower right arm too near my wrist but I have no bruising and this happened this morning before nine and It's eight in the evening now.

Here's what I slightly feel without abrasions or right side of my right leg calf, My right hip cheek, and that's about it.

I was running not walking so I was moving along about at least a ten minute pace while first starting out. I guess I was graceful and smooth I wish someone could have video recorded it.

So after I fall, I ran for forty-five minutes without problems and I did some speed training too.. pushing the envelope a bit.

Could it have had something to do with writing in my journal this morning thanking the universe for my safety pain free, illness free life and days. I thanked the universe for all that I have. I am youthful chronically 60 but physically 35 or 40. I do yoga smoothly and surely and attend classes every week and do poses every morning with push-ups and sit-up.

I came in 2nd place in my age group last Saturday in a United Way 5k run..with the lst place runner cruising behind me the hold time until the last quarter mile then passed me in a surge. I should have charged after her. I regret not pushing harder but I learned to train now for speed. Sometimes I believe that I hold myself back. It's why I worked harder on my run this morning to improve my pace.

I am entered to do a half marathon in the Fall so I need to get training for that event. I can't wait for it to get here. I truly enjoyed the 5k I just did. Of course winning a trophy helps spice up things.

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