Monday, October 27, 2008

Grass glistening in the low autumn sun shine

I love Fall! I love the low angle of the sun glistening on lakes and grass blades. The bright colors of autumn against the bright blue of the clear autumn sky. The dark green, fresh with dew grass - so thick in the cool air.

But, it's windy today and I see the leaves trying desperately to hang on but losing the battle. As I glaze out my patio door from the second floor and see the warm shine of the sun I want to bundle up and get out there to run. So, why am I stalling?

Could it be I love to type? I have another reason. I must allow the ZipFizz I just drank to settle. It's chilly inside. I have no heat on. But why? It's 64 degrees in here. Yesterday the afternoon sun warmed my condo to a very comfortable 71 degrees. Yes, I quasted in the middle of the building at an angle from the wind. By late morning the sun shines across my floor with loving warmth.

Enough writing for now. It's time for yoga postures to warm up to running. I'll keep it short today. Maybe swim this afternoon. I have a half marathon to do this weekend. But, I've been doing about twice a week for the past three weeks about.

I'm so looking forward to the event. I'm not the fastest! The idea is to get out there and participate and over ride my fears and concerns. I get anxious the night before and find it hard to sleep. I wonder who can? I begin running the race in my head in preperation for the event so my heart rate increases to higher then when I actually run I think. The mind is a powerful thing! I try to turn the anxious thoughts off but can't. Actually, I believe one year that I did sleep well without aid. But, today merely thinking about the event, I can feel my heart begin to subtly begin to pound in my chest! Go figure! Whatever happened to mind over matter. I'm not afraid but excited. I can't wait to get out there and run with the crowd and feel their energy. It will be spiritual.

I ask the universe now as I type this to make the event spiritual and magical! I asked as much for this past weekend events and it was exactly the way I experienced it - magical and spiritual.

I ask for today, beginning this moment, to be very spiritual and magical and learning and bright and cheery and calm and peaceful and loving with grace and graditude for my health, beauty, riches, wisdom, wealth and knowledge. I pray for a clam night prior to the run with deep un-aided sleep and comfortable and warmth.

This weekend was magical because I requested it to be. The sun glistening on the grass and lake! The bicycle ride with my love feeling so comfortable and close! The spiritual drum blessing fire and chatting the evening before in the brisk darkness warms with seasoned cidar and hearts so pure and holy - holy cow! Sound spirit - the named drums. The silence of love without saying!

I thank the universe for my many blessings. I thank my special spiritual guides in the universe and on earth living right around the corner. I am grateful! I feel guarded, guided, gifted and dream granted. Days filled with freedom and love and talent. Such musical talent. Such warm rich friendships that do not go unnoticed!

I asked the universe to keep my loves and myself happy, healthy, properous, winning, pain-free, energy filled, memory enriched, super-intelligent, filled with common-sense, clear veined, happy, loving, generous, gracious, glorified, and filled with abundant words of wisdom and guidance and faith.

I thank my special spiritual guides Emma, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette. My magical in touch spirits. I feel this wisdom, their warmth, their love, their guidance. They are here surrounding me. I wish to be clairvoyant, psychic, with extra-sensual perception. I wish to see the future by feeling the intuition and wisdom in "just knowing". A hunch perhaps? Just knowing some things naturally!

I wish to have an eagerness of learning and photographic memory and audio memory. Once heard remembered always to match my photographic memory of words and thoughts and lines in books. I am hear to learn and be magical and spiritual and all knowing.

It was once said that we alone do not know our mental capacity. And that we only use a small portion of our mind's strength. Is the mind in the brain? I personally believe our minds extend the boundaries of our brains. Our thoughts, our minds, and our sub-consciousness is with us from life time to life time. We are all magical and mystical and spiritual but many are too earthly, too busy being human, too notice our mental powers. We have only to wishfully tap into them to reveal and experience our mental powers. I am so blessed to realize our mental powers. I beleve exercise brings forth our mental powers and physical powers. So I must first do yoga postures to stretch before I run. It's cloudy now.. looking windy, cold and sad. I will turn this into magical and wonderful -warm and sunny in my heart. The clouds will pass and warm sun will appear before I step out my door in a few moments.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

in my mind saw the good doctor

last night at the most warmest moment. Hm! Funny. Seems when I need her she is there. See how I can create those moments?

The mind is a wonderful thing! We have such magical powers.

Universe thank you for all of my blessings and please make tomorrow magical and give me happy feet as I run.

Tomorrow is magical! My footing is secure and light and quick. I run with a happy heart. The air is wonderful! I am full of energy and happiness and feel blessed nad loved.

Life is grand!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

feeling blessed and very spiritual right now!

I am so happy and so thankful for my good health and pain free, active days. I am so fortunate and I know it! So blessed!

I ran for two hours yesterday and ran for an hour today. According to my calculations I swam a half mile. I had fun! I weighted 125 after the two hour run. I hit the wall after 1 1/2 hours.. but kept going because I need to keep going in all conditions; under any conditions - no matter how I feel! I believe that is what training for an event is all about; extending my capabilities in case I have to go the extra mile. Or say I start out not feeling right; not feeling energetic. I need to know that my body, my muscles, are ready to put it a little harder. In fact I wish I could run again tomorrow.. but I know I really can't. Maybe Friday! And then one more time next week before the event.

I thank my special spirit guides who I know make my life so magical and wonderful! I thank the universe for my clear headed thinking and common sense and brilliants.

I thank Emma, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette who I now all watch over me. I miss Ezekiel and one day I just may get out there to speak with him. I am so grateful.

I know the powers of our minds and hearts spoken via our brain and out our mouths. Think I'll read Jill Bolte Taylor's book entitled "Stroke of Sight". It's written very well and lots of spiritual insight! She says so many people are in hospitals and cannot communicate but "they are there" inside that body so talk to them and touch them. Do not speak to others in the room in the third person about the patient. Nurses watching took note.

Thanks again! I love my life. I am very grateful for my body and my active blessed. Life's a dance.. so stay in step and listen to the music.

I played my sax today and I'm about to embark on buying bongos probably tomorrow? After I work out. I would love to swim again.. maybe I will! First! Or shop first? We'll see! Make tomorrow magical make my love's day her heart to dream and love and wander in wonderment and magical glory. She's very open minded and very easy to be with. I enjoy her company! She's slightly conservative. She has wonderful friends whom she speak with on a daily basis..and that's magical in itself.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I asked for the weekend to be magical and

it was. Perfect! Magical! And with Love! Spent with the people I love most! We went to see our next president speak!

I wish for a magical election. I declare ahead of time Obama the president! We did change alright! We need honest government for a change! Not Lobbyist ran underhanded cheating CEO practices that are brining down this economy!

Banks and all businesses need regulations and over-sight and we'll get that with Obama. He'll see to it that big shot crooked, greedy CEO's don't rob the share holders and workers of earnings. There is no reason for CEO big shots to get over 400 times more money out of the business then the shareholders and employees. Twenty-five time more fine - 400 times more NOT okay! They are crooked thieves and stupid Republicans in the White House open the door by de-regulating without over-sight! Well, "W" was just too stupid to know - but Cheney and old man Bush knew - way back to the Reagan days when daddy Bush was VP and ran the show.

So could Sarah Palin fill those daddy Bush and Cheney's shoes? Clueless! She's clueless too! Is this another goofy Carl Rove move! Probably! Now that man is weird! The only decent honest one there was roped in and that was Colin Powell. Hate to say it but sure wasn't impressed with the Condi character in "W".

And Josh Brolin's part as "W" wasn't very impressive to me. I think the guy who protraits "W" on Jay Leno and SNL does a way better job. Brolin forgot the goofy shoulder laugh! I know it's exaggerated!

Okay, I"m watching stupid Elisabeth on "The View" defending McCain and Palin and she's about as naive as the day is long! A bubble, blond, barbie dip-shit! She has been spoon fed since daddy took care of her I guess? Little Miss Christian! Please! Watching her stupidity up against Joy Behar's brilliance and savvy is no match and will win Obama votes - for sure!

And it's true we haven't heard anything about McCain's education or his health record! Thanks Joy! She's nothing but a spoiled admiral's son soldier boy who stupidity, hot-doged it and flew over enemy lines and got himself shot down! Mr. Big shot! And then she smart mouthed it when he could have gotten out after three years and they beat the shit out of him and kept him for two more - on his own addmitance! Oh, and he was a lady's man too! Mr. Hot Tempered war, OIL, monger! Just what we DON'T NEED is another OIL man in office!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today a magical mystical day filled with bright sunshine, love and laughter! A love to behold and a promise of a bright blessed tomorrow!
filled again with friends and love and lowering fuel prices! Behold the universe! I'm thrilled!

I thank the universe for wonderful things of love and togetherness! Together closer we become learning one another's ways, wants and desires.

Thank you so much for my active, safe, healthy, rich and magical life! Make tomorrow magical too! I already know tomorrow will be magical and warm! Happy and loving like the past few days have me! I am so blessed and I know it!

Tomorrow I will be happy and energized with love and laugher and friends' pain will be lessened into non-existences! May they be healthy, happy, active and pain free! Me too!

It's time for bed but I am too excited to sleep I fear! Love my life! Thank you! Thanks for me my ex and I at close proximity!

Thank you for giving me every thing that I want and think I need! I love you guys: Emma, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette! Please take care of L and L! Thanks for branding my beautiful wishes!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yin Yoga this evening..

I learned a little bit about Yin Yoga this's geared towards darma, seven chakra's, connective tissue and bone. We held poses for three minutes - that's the secret. And when finished feels like a massaged was received.

That was half the class, the second half was the more usual Hatha Yoga! A great evening with great instructors - I'm so fortunate!

I'm fortunate too, that the universe is with me and my positive thinking and imagining regarding the present day crisis we are experiencing besides the scary Republicans candidates - sorry! But come on? Where's the substance!

For a change I want this government to "take care of me". When is it OUR turn? I believe Obama will see that we are treated fairly. Hey, it's our time!

I want decent, affordable, national health care! It's not scary! Since the fifties' Reagan commericals in black and white with the spooky music this greedy, for big business only, poor excuse of a government has been little by little chipping away at our benefits and the security, over-sight laws and leaning towards de-regulations that only benefit big business, CEO's. And they stick it right into their pockets! It thievery at best! And once more, this pathetic government has allowed them to get away with it - even encourage it! I guess those fools are getting kick-backs.

I do want change! I want nationalist, socialist health care, what ever you want to call it - I want it. I want all Americans to be treated equal - for a change. Why are we so sexist and racist in this pathetic country! We should be ashamed! I mean look at Canada, England, France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and more I"m sure!

I just have to throw this in here... I'm watching dancing with the stars and you sure can tell when the woman, taught the man. It must be very hard to teach someone to "lead". I'd think almost impossible. Trust me you can tell when a woman is leading from her side of the couple. I think the judges compensate for this, and it's acceptable in my opinion. It's just so much easier for a man, who will lead, to also be the instructor and teach her to "follow" and also, of course, learn the dance. But, let's be honest, either someone has rthym or they don't.

What door slammer just came home... some woman must have brought her boyfriend home..I don't normally hear heavy stepping and door slamming! Hope he's not moving in. At it's midnight on a weeknight! I need a drink! I'm getting sex, I just need the drink.. now.

No I don't I drank too much wine last weekend... wine is very mood altering to me. It depresses me. Well, I was dehydrated, no wonder. I had ran 2:20 that day for about 13 miles. Of course, I was dehydrated. Then I got home, showered and went out and drank two bottles of wine. Guess I better switch to beer!

Honesty, any alcohol is a depressant, a downer! It's a waste of the next day, is what it is! I wasted the whole next day! Never again! And it was a beautiful day too!

So earth to Z, I'm back again. Back to natural and healthy and spiritual. I was thinking about some friends and heard from them. I was thinking about Ezekiel and then that same friend asked about going to speak with him.. I was thinking I was due, but really didn't want to spend the money in these hard times, but, evidently, I guess I'm meant to speak with him and hear what he has to say. I'll take her interest as a sign that I need to go too. To be reassured I'm sure!!

Life is a wonderful, facinating journey! I'm very happy now! And I appreciate all of my many wonderful gifts, of love, wisdom, friends, intellect, activity, agility, safety for me, friends and my things that are and still maintenance free! Thanks for the love and safety and good health and freedom from pain.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I could use a magical day!

Help me universe: Emma, Ezekiel, Edy, Georgette... my extraterresterial friends! I could use some help me!

Let's give this economy a large boost!

Help feel the energy and the confidence I need to feel today! I am feeling it now!! Lots of energy and confidence and power. I am powerful! I am all powerful..physically, emotionally, mentally. Help me out will you!

Rick Davis, conflict of interest! Henry Paulson, conflict of interest! And Greenspan knew too that de-regulation would eventually bring this economy down and drag the world in with us! But, as always we are reactive and then struggle to stay afloat. Hey, that is what regulations are all about: reining in the loose nuts and greedy among the banking system. What did they think would happen? No one white or blue collar can be a crook without it catching up with you.

Have the real crooks all gone to Dubai to spend their money now? Like Ken Lay? Hide out, pretend your dead!

Cheney sure has been quiet. Oh, they are just waiting for time to run out now! They already lite the fuse and now are just watching and waiting for time to run out until the election. I firmly believe that Republicans will let Obama win this time.. so he can build the economy back up and then in eight years the Republicans will steal their way back in and rip us all off again for the next eight years... and the cycle pedals on....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

well I am back home! I should have stayed home last night! Just the words wine tasting means trouble and I knew it! I should have
just told her to go on that I would see her some other time! As I was again I drank to much wine! You know I got on a roll!

Anyway I am paying for it today! Booze depresses me!

Sometimes busy body people bother me! So much I couldn't do it two days in a roll!

See it depressed me! Most days I enjoy life today I am very tired of it! Tired of feeling are ... difficult! I'm done. The show is over.
Sometimes I feel people suck!

I like alone time! For once some one doesn't do it better than me! No teaching or preaching! I'm done!

I'm ready to go now!!!!! To leave the stage! Nothing is new or exciting anymore

I have a two bottle wine hang over! Poison! Wine poisoning!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I haven't thought about the good doctor in a while. But I think about her now!! Such a wonderful warn person! She is always in my heart! I want her life to be magical! I want our lives to be magical! What a wonderful