Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yin Yoga this evening..

I learned a little bit about Yin Yoga this's geared towards darma, seven chakra's, connective tissue and bone. We held poses for three minutes - that's the secret. And when finished feels like a massaged was received.

That was half the class, the second half was the more usual Hatha Yoga! A great evening with great instructors - I'm so fortunate!

I'm fortunate too, that the universe is with me and my positive thinking and imagining regarding the present day crisis we are experiencing besides the scary Republicans candidates - sorry! But come on? Where's the substance!

For a change I want this government to "take care of me". When is it OUR turn? I believe Obama will see that we are treated fairly. Hey, it's our time!

I want decent, affordable, national health care! It's not scary! Since the fifties' Reagan commericals in black and white with the spooky music this greedy, for big business only, poor excuse of a government has been little by little chipping away at our benefits and the security, over-sight laws and leaning towards de-regulations that only benefit big business, CEO's. And they stick it right into their pockets! It thievery at best! And once more, this pathetic government has allowed them to get away with it - even encourage it! I guess those fools are getting kick-backs.

I do want change! I want nationalist, socialist health care, what ever you want to call it - I want it. I want all Americans to be treated equal - for a change. Why are we so sexist and racist in this pathetic country! We should be ashamed! I mean look at Canada, England, France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and more I"m sure!

I just have to throw this in here... I'm watching dancing with the stars and you sure can tell when the woman, taught the man. It must be very hard to teach someone to "lead". I'd think almost impossible. Trust me you can tell when a woman is leading from her side of the couple. I think the judges compensate for this, and it's acceptable in my opinion. It's just so much easier for a man, who will lead, to also be the instructor and teach her to "follow" and also, of course, learn the dance. But, let's be honest, either someone has rthym or they don't.

What door slammer just came home... some woman must have brought her boyfriend home..I don't normally hear heavy stepping and door slamming! Hope he's not moving in. At it's midnight on a weeknight! I need a drink! I'm getting sex, I just need the drink.. now.

No I don't I drank too much wine last weekend... wine is very mood altering to me. It depresses me. Well, I was dehydrated, no wonder. I had ran 2:20 that day for about 13 miles. Of course, I was dehydrated. Then I got home, showered and went out and drank two bottles of wine. Guess I better switch to beer!

Honesty, any alcohol is a depressant, a downer! It's a waste of the next day, is what it is! I wasted the whole next day! Never again! And it was a beautiful day too!

So earth to Z, I'm back again. Back to natural and healthy and spiritual. I was thinking about some friends and heard from them. I was thinking about Ezekiel and then that same friend asked about going to speak with him.. I was thinking I was due, but really didn't want to spend the money in these hard times, but, evidently, I guess I'm meant to speak with him and hear what he has to say. I'll take her interest as a sign that I need to go too. To be reassured I'm sure!!

Life is a wonderful, facinating journey! I'm very happy now! And I appreciate all of my many wonderful gifts, of love, wisdom, friends, intellect, activity, agility, safety for me, friends and my things that are and still maintenance free! Thanks for the love and safety and good health and freedom from pain.

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