Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mystical, Magical, may need to shred

one pair of socks. While I'm waiting for my date.. to get here.. we are going to a lesbian first to attend. Oddly enough I find this will be the third for my straight friend who will be accompanied by her gay friend..seems her boyfriend was busy..

Okay, here goes the extra pair of socks off my feet and into a sandwich bag into my small handbag.It's a psychological security thing. I look hot by the way! I've got my lipstick on and a nice glow to my cheeks. No eye makeup.. or actual gets dull and settles into facial lines.. I just have Shark Liver oil topical blend made to apply to your face. It's not cheap either.. but "natural" and I think diminishes lines rather them like make-up which enhances facial lines.

How let you know how the evening goes..

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