Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fun and Magical Day

What a lovely magical, beautiful day! Low 80's, low humidity and crystal clear blue skies over the Midwest. I ran and kept running just observing and trying new routes. Oh, I probably ran about eight miles It was over an hour and then I walked to do errands.

I got a smoothie and sketched old buildings near the park where I sat at a picnic table in the shade. A beautiful wonderful day in the sun and an evening at the ball park with my favorite friends.

Yes, my wonderful ex and her girlfriend volunteered in the bright sunshine several weeks ago running Segway rides at a town's picnic. They signed up, took on, trained and let people ride five minutes segway rides that costs $5.00 for five minutes. They listed 53 riders! A very busy day that left them tired and burnt. They thought they got the free tickets out of sympathy for their charitable war wounds. We enjoyed the game and had a wonderful time just hanging out. I was missing my ex. Every week or so I need to visit with her and touch base. We still have that wonderful foundation. It's great to have someone to connect with and share thoughts and experiences.

It's late and I just remembered that the lawn people will start early in the morning and probably wake me up. I can't keep my eyes open any longer anyway. It's time to sleep. Good night!

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