Saturday, June 14, 2008

My intuition

was trying to tell me me not to do the diabetes fundraiser 50 mile ride but I was undecided, bouncing back and force for the longest time. Finally, my sinuses were bothering me anyway.
And I know I can't keep up with these people. I decided not to even attend the event.

Well, besides the mileage the weather was iffy too. I was so glad I didn't go when I learn that those who this had to bear stormy weather of rain, hail and thirty miles of strong head winds and
get this, they finished still in three hours. No way. When I was thirty I did fifty in three
hours. And there were killer hills. No way. Of course I could have kick in the big guns with
Accel Gel. Whew!

If I use Accel Gel, once in a while the whey protein doesn't bother me. But let me tell you when it kicks in - it kicks in. It's not worth it though.

No. I'm becoming more conservative and I've learned to say "No".

So, I believe that my spirit guides were watching over me and trying like hell to tell me - don't do it!

You know I learned something else very spiritual about myself recently and it was clear and plain to me. My art instructor was showing me a technique of drawing where horizontal, vertical and an angle are drawn on the picture to be "copied" and the blank piece of paper to be copied to. Damn! I couldn't do it. My brain was blocked. It mechanical. Too confining.

Ezekiel, my spirit buddy, told me recently, that I have a good eye and that once I got going I would make all kinds of money. Cool! So, anyway, my instructor saw me struggle and seen me draw free hand the previous week. So, he gave me a picture and blank without the lines and I did just fine. In fact, I went to town with it. Free hand. And my picture was bigger than the original so it doesn't look like it traced. I think part of me and part of the subject should be transferred from original to the creative piece.

Anyway, it was amazing how blocked I was like four cars at a four way stop and no one could move. I'm free now. That event taught me something myself myself. He said to use my intuition and I liked that because that is the only way that I can do it anyway. I like him for an instructor.

He gave me two copies of Norman Rockwell women to draw and I liked that too. So when I got home that evening I went to town drawing. The first one although light I really liked. I'm not messing with it to make it darker because I want him to see the detail in it.

So, I have a left portrait that is giving me fits. I've already have done it twice now. So I think I'll go back to drawing the ones he gave me.

I want to read too this evening more of "Our Daily Meds" by Melody Petersen. I want to sing and play my guitar too. Last two weeks and weekends I was very busy so I am truly enjoying this solo time.

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